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Creating Well Beings

The Resilience Project

The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence-based, practical strategies to build resilience. Our Partnership Program consists of online presentations and weekly lessons for students from Kindy to Year 12, professional development for staff, and a video series for our parent and carer community.

The research is clear; the more positive emotion you experience, the more resilient you will be. For that reason, we focus on three key pillars; Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (G.E.M.) that have been proven to cultivate positive emotion, with Emotional Literacy being a foundational skill to practise these strategies:

  • Gratitude – Paying attention to the things we have right now, and not worrying about what we don’t have. We practise gratitude by noticing the positives around us.
  • Empathy – Putting ourselves in the shoes of others so we feel what they are feeling. We practise empathy by being kind and compassionate towards other people.
  • Mindfulness – Our ability to be calm and in the present moment. We practise mindfulness by slowing down and concentrating on one thing at a time.

A Whole-of-School Approach

Good emotional, mental and physical wellbeing is essential for students to thrive in their learning. It helps students to function positively, while taking on life’s challenges and experiencing a connection with others. To support student wellbeing, Tranby adopts a whole-of-school approach; from Junior School to Senior School, our teaching staff actively help and guide students through their everyday challenges. And, when greater assistance is required, our Specialist Wellbeing Care Team and College Leadership Team are on hand to work with students and their families to address and resolve problems.

Wellbeing in Action

In the early years, our Junior School staff focus on building self-esteem in our students. This helps the students to feel valued and capable, giving them the confidence to try new things and build friendships. As they progress through the Junior School, we support our students in dealing with setbacks and challenges, guiding them to learn compassion, to build their resilience and to be aware of seeking help when it is needed.

For our Senior School students, more direct support is offered through our Mentor and Heads of House systems. Working with other teachers and students, they help manage emotions, encourage positive relationships, support interests, and monitor personalised learning goal progress. Should students encounter issues, the Mentor acts as a first port of call for support, calling on the Heads of House or a Specialist Wellbeing Care Team member as required.

Specialist Wellbeing Care Team

Heads of house

The primary function of our Heads of House is being the pastoral constant in your child’s life whilst they are a student at Tranby College. They are the person who knows and connects with students in their House as individuals while they are in Senior School.


 A responder to any first aid medical emergency, our Wellbeing Officer also provides empathy and encouragement, and supports the overall emotional wellbeing of students.

College Chaplain

Whether it be a passing chat, or regular engagement, our College Chaplain guides and counsels students on spiritual and life matters.


Available to every student, and working in collaboration with families, our College Counsellor can provide guidance and support across a variety of issues including anxiety and panic, depression, sleep disorders, trauma, cyber safety and much more.


Our registered psychologist is available to support staff and students with case management, psychological assessment and intervention, research, program development, policy and process creation, and the sourcing of vital funding.

defence mentor

Tranby College is aware of the unique educational needs of students whose parents work within the Australian Defence Force. As a school that strives to help each student reach their full potential, we are very proud to provide specialised support to ADF students and their families within the Tranby College community.